Friday, February 18, 2011

Fundraising Personal Page Messages

When your friends and family donate to your personal fundraising page, they have the option of writing an encouraging and inspirational message.  Below are the directions on how to receive those messages:

1.            Log into your Participant Center
2.            Click on the “My Progress” icon (see First Screenshot below)
3.            Scroll to the bottom of the page where you will find “Gift History” (see Second Screenshot below)
4.            Click on either “Print List” or “Download List”. 
                a.  “Download List” works better to view all messages.  This will download their names, addresses, donations and personal messages to a .csv file which you can either just open and view the spreadsheet or save it. 
                b.  “Print List” opens a window where you can “View (message)” one at a time for each individual donor.  (If you print the list the messages do not show.)

"I can run…I can walk… and I can climb stairs… this is going to prove it to myself and to others."

Debbie Lesko is climbing the Gulf Tower for the very first time.  Read from Debbie’s perspective, why this climbing event means so much to her…

"Although lung disease is a great cause, doing this climb is more for my own satisfaction in knowing I can do it despite other’s projections.  Ten years ago I had what doctors had decided was a terminal blood disorder.  I was receiving blood transfusions about every other day and was given very little chance to survive.  I had a lot of weight on me and the illness only made it worse with not even being able to do the simple things like walking.    Considering when I was ill, I was using a walker and a cane just to move around the house, you can forget about going up and down stairs. 
The blood disorder created havoc in all parts of my body and I was in constant pain.  During many bouts of blood infections, blood clots and lung infections, including Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, my family was called because the doctors said I wasn’t going to make it through the next few hours.   By the grace of God, I beat the illness and have recovered fully! 
In the past few years, I have lost 140 pounds, mainly by getting to the gym and getting active.  Of course, there is food control, but the thing that worked was getting moving!  I am the cheerleader for anyone who wants to get moving again and even my 76 year old mother is now running and has done a few 5K and 10K runs.  If I can do it, anyone can.  Despite all odds and doctor projections, I am as healthy as anyone I know.  The weight loss and working out on a regular basis have helped put additional years on my life.  I am looking forward to the climb through the Gulf Tower and it is my ultimate challenge.  I can run…I can walk… and I can climb stairs… this is going to prove it to myself and to others."